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NSA National Softball Association

The Players Association


2023 South Shore Convention & Visitors Authority • Visit Central Florida Sports

2023 TJ Jorgensen / Joe Horton

1985 Richard Gatewood
1986 Eddie Ray Cantrell
1987 Richard Gatewood
1988 Garnet Bebermeyer
1989 Marty Lalley
1990 Tom Devlin
1991 Tom Devlin
1992 Marty Lalley/Lynn Scherr
1993 Robert Marshall
1994 Stan Smith
1995 Bill Horton
1996 Bob Griffith
1997 John DeLuca
1998 Bill Horton
1999 Marty Lalley
2000 Marty Lalley
2001 Kathie Horton
2002 Lonnie O’Haver
2003 Sonja Ritchie
2004 Lou Davis
2005 Bill & Kathie Horton
2006 Terri Wilburn/Bob Biehl
2007 Chris Myers/Ed Adams
2008 Mark & Lyn Balven
2009 Northern Zone
2010 Jim Kimmel
2011 Adrian Burns
2012 Karl Swihart
2013 Andy Pearson
2014 Kathie Horton/Jim Kimmel
2015 State of Alabama / Paul Armstrong
2016 Bill Hancock / Jim Kimmel
2017 Don Fishel / Rick Hormann
2018 Leslie Barker / Charlotte Moss / Sonja Ritchie
2019 Not Given
2020 Not Given
2021 Stan Hansen
2022 Derek Billups
2023 Zina Birnell
1985 Hugh Cantrell
1986 Jack Roney
1987 Chuck Middleton
1988 Chuck Walters
1989 Earl B. King
1990 Stan Smith
1991 Tommy Oehler
1992 Stan Smith
1993 Tom O’Hara
1994 Lynn Scherr
1995 Marty Lalley
1996 Bill Horton
1997 Marty Lalley
1998 Joe Cothran
1999 David Butler
2000 Jim Kimmel
2001 Faye Cantrell
2002 David Butler
2003 Bill & Kathie Horton
2004 Jim Kimmel
2005 Lou Davis
2006 Bill & Kathie Horton
2007 Bill & Kathie Horton
2008 Mike Snyder
2009 John Lynch
2010 Bill Horton
2011 Jim Kimmel / Shirley Minnick / Richard Foltz / Darrell Garbacik
2012 Bill Horton
2013 Karl Swihart
2014 Paul Armstrong
2015 Bill Horton
2016 Ray Sullivan
2017 Jon Anderson
2018 Stan Hansen
2019 David Lockridge
2020 Not Given
2021 Derek Billups
2022 Zina Birnell
2023 Stan Hansen
1985 Ray Previni
1986 Chuck Walters
1987 Garnet Bebermeyer
1988 David Butler
1989 David Butler/ Jimmy Sutton
1990 David Butler/ Jimmy Sutton
1991 Tom O’Hara
1992 Tom O’Hara/ Tim Fishburn
1993 Lynn Scherr
1994 Tom O’Hara
1995 Jimmy Sutton
1996 Mike Rodgers
1997 Joe Cothran
1998 Chris Leach
1999 Joe Cothran
2000 Tommy Zehmer
2001 Dale Gellner
2002 Mark Balven
2003 John Lynch
2004 Jimmy Sutton
2005 Richard Foltz
2006 Sonja Ritchie
2007 Sonja Ritchie / Jack Roney
2008 John Lynch
2009 Brad Gordon / Jim Kimmel
2010 Shirley Minnick
2011 Jim Kimmel
2012 Jim Kimmel
2013 Gerry Gund
2014 Bob Biehl
2015 Kathie Horton / Jim Vanatter
2016 Wayne Hughes / Jeff Williams
2017 Pat Affrunti / Bob Biehl / Stan Hansen / Wayne Hughes
2018 Cheryl Collins / Ray Couturier / Rick Hormann / Jim Piercefield
2019 Derek Billups / Grant Jackson / Mike Dover
2022 Brian Dinkelman / Jim Piercefield / Annete Richards / Karl Swihart
2023 Ray Couturier / Annette Richards / Megan Walker
1986 Richard Sanders
1987 Tommy Oehler
1988 Earl B. King
1989 Jake Kislan
1990 Tom Rawley
1991 Johnny “Mac” McArthur
1992 Bill Horton
1993 Mary Conner
1994 Jim Kimmel
1995 Roy Fetherolf/ Rick Byrum
1996 Doug Skaggs
1997 Chris Leach/ Kay Breland
1998 Georgeanne Lammertin
1999 Les Duncan
2000 Ridge Hooks
2001 Glenn Harding
2002 Justin Siler / Bruce Bechtloff
2003 Mike Poe / Hal Nachtweh
2004 Ed Adams / Murl Skalla
2005 Shirley Minnick
2006 Brad Gordon
2007 John Wisniewski / Al Palmquist
2008 Frank Crook
2009 Ed Warhol
2010 Mark “Twig” Ogletree
2011 Mike Craig / Mike Rodgers
2012 Jim Piercefield
2013 Bill Hancock / Pat Affrunti
2014 Josh Davis / Jim Vanatter
2015 Trisha Grass / Howard Hebb
2016 Jeff Pruis / Sandy Sullivan
2017 Rick Hormann / Don Fishel / Annette Richards / Randy Woody
2018 Mike Chavez / Dale Poole / Scott Bouma / Randall Morris
2019 Chris McCauley / Mike Laman / Megan Walker / Jason Buffington
2020 Not Given
2021 Not Given
2022 Nancy Grove / Matthew Puckett
2023 Brian Ralston
1998 Dan Simpson
1999 Dan Simpson
2000 Jerry Parham
2001 Roy Fetherolf
2002 John DeLuca / Mike Walthall
2003 Howard Edwards
2004 Bob Biehl / Bill Dowell
2005 Roy Fetherolf
2006 Shirley Minnick
2007 Terri Wilburn
2008 Howard Edwards
2009 Zach Green
2010 Kathie Horton
2011 Shirley Minnick / Chris Myers
2012 Bob Biehl
2013 Frank Rachubka
2014 Garnet Bebermeyer
2015 Pat Affrunti / Chris Myers
2016 Frank Rachubka
2017 Howard Edwards
2018 Ed Warhol
2019 Frank Rachubka
2020 Not Given
2021 Pat Affrunti 
2022 Stan Hansen / Frank Rachubka
2023 Karl Swihart
1988 Marty Lalley
1989 Mike Coppinger
1990 Mike Coppinger
1991 Ted Olivera
1992 Not Given
1993 Not Given
1994 Bill Suich
1995 Steve Humphries
1996 Jerry Pennock
1997 Ernie Dellarocca
1998 Bill Suich
1999 Ron Pazienza
2000 Lonnie O’Haver
2001 Dave Jersey
2002 Lou Davis
2003 Karl Swihart/Willie Alexander
2004 Paul Armstrong
2005 Jake Jacobs
2006 Lou Davis
2007 Mike Snyder
2008 Ron Bryant
2009 Tom Eddy
2010 Mike Latoskiewicz
2011 Paul Armstrong
2012 Jim Finch
2013 Leonard Winchester
2014 Mike Ogden
2015 Ray Couturier / Mike Snyder
2016 Ron Bryant / Karl Swihart
2017 Larry Bollinger / Ed Clark / Curtis Page / Kevin Westbrook
2018 Jose Barraza / Mike DellaRocco / Gary Holman / Mike Miller
2019 Jim Finch / Tony Hool / Kevin McGowan / Jimmy Brown / Greg Farias
2020 Not Given
2021 Tony Hool / Gary Holman
2022 Albert “Sarge” Daniel / Gary Holman / Curtis Page / Kevin Westbrook
2023 Gary Holman / Richard Ryals / Bill Wheat
2014 Tony Hool
2015 Curtis Williams
2016 Doug Wustman
2017 Gil Arcuate / Jamie Grant / Patrick Russen / Terry Taylor
2018 Terry Cooper / Steve Endress / Mike Garrett / John Vecs
2019 Jonathan Bowers / Tony Claborn / Mike Garrett / Don Houk
2020 Not Given
2021 Terry Cooper / Tina Sargent
2022 David Allman / Bill Belovin / Kent Spillman
2023 David Allman 
1995 Ed Whipple
1996 Wayne Griffith
1997 Hector Martinez
1998 Mike Latoszkiewicz
1999 Jeff King
2000 Jamie Kawiecki
2001 Ron Bryant
2002 Mark Fulbright
2003 Leonard Winchester /Mike Behrens
2004 Ed Clark
2005 Ray Sullivan
2006 Leonard Winchester
2007 Jim Shetterly
2008 Ed Clark
2009 T J DeGiulio
2010 Tammy Delorey / Ryan Corbin
2011 Shane Cochran
2012 T J DeGuilio / Dan Mitchler
2013 Jazmine Sutton
2014 Dave Prevost
2015 Mike DellaRocco
2016 Rick Alderson
2017 Rick Alderson / Alberto Daniel / David Garbacz / Greg Harris
2018 Dean Anderson / Jason Shupryt / Calvin Sims / Gary Tucker
2019 Jim Greener / Jim Haluska / Karl McAllister / Nick Zapton / Johnny Nelum
2020 Not Given
2021 Charles Brientenfeldt / Aaron Dunlap
2022 Don Cherry / Josh Francis / Dave Griffin
2023 Josh Francis
1985 Eddie Ray Cantrell
1986 Terry Rousey
1987 Brian Kinsey
1988 Jim Metz
1989 Larry Brewer
1990 Jim Earl
1991 John DeLuca
1992 Jim Hopson
1993 Kevin Taylor
1994 Bill Buchanan
1995 Kevin Condor/ Bill VanAlstine
1996 Terry Cravens
1997 Anthony Dukes
1998 Mike Snyder
1999 Gene Wermes
2000 Karl Swihart
2001 Bill VanAlstine
2002 Mike Welch / Danny McMahon
2003 Dan Chalfant
2004 Brian Kinsey
2005 Mike Ogden
2006 Josh Lybrand
2007 Terry Sherrill
2008 Not Given
2009 Not Given
2010 Jon Chalfant
2011 Gary Early
2012 Coy Southerland