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NSA Hall of Fame: Brett Helmer (2011)



Brett Helmer is one of many players that have worked hard to achieve being recognized as one of the best to play at the Major level of softball.  Brett began playing at the upper level in 1995 and over the years has won 4 NSA World Series titles in not only the AA and Major level, but also the Co-Ed division.

By looking at Brett’s statistics below, one can see that his on base percentage is an astonishing .771 while hitting over 1500 Home Runs and driving in an amazing 3816 runs in the 14 yrs prior to the writing.

Many players at the Major level of the game, take little time to promote the game they play but not Brett!  Bret has flown into countless communities often times at his own expense to promote hitting techniques, fielding positions and training to be the best. 

In addition to Brett’s ability to excel on the field, he has become an advisor and National Representative for Easton Sports.  Brett has always been open minded while working for Easton to promote safety and parity in the game.  Brett always uses his position to assist directors and park with promotional product and sponsorship material.

On the field Brett is known as a leader, a quiet person, and one that can be counted on in the clutch because of his skills as one of the finest players to take the field, his unselfish willingness to promote the game, and now as a player rep for Easton.

Brett’s NSA accomplishments:

1998 Major World Champion

2004 CO-ED Open Champion

2005 AA World Champion

2006 AA World Champion

All World Awards

1997 Offensive MVP/All World

2000 All World

2001 All World

2003 All World

2004 All World

2005 All World

2006 All World

Brett was elected to 8 All Tournament teams from 1993 – 1996, and 23 times from 1997 – 2006 and was voted MVP a total of 9 times from 1997 – 2006.  And in November of 2011, Brett Helmer became the 10th player inducted into the NSA Sports Hall of Fame.