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NSA Hall of Fame: John Lynch (2010)

CATEGORY: Director



  • 2003 State Director of the Year
  • 2008 State Director of the Year
  • 2009 Presidential Award of Excellence

John Lynch started coaching girls youth softball in 1984 in Boca Raton, Florida.  He coached there through the 1995 season, which saw John not only coach but he also served as a Board Member of the Boca Raton Softball Association.  John directed youth tournaments each year that would host between 85 and 110 teams and he directed those tournaments for NSA.  In 1991, John became an NSA umpire and at the time of this writing, John is still a registered NSA umpire.  John has umpired youth slow pitch and fast pitch local, state and world series tournaments.  He has umpired the Men’s B World Series, the Men’s C World series and the Men’s Super C World Series.  John has umpired countless games in Men’s 50+, Masters, Men’s, Women’s, and Co-Ed leagues and still continues to umpire those leagues at the time of this writing (2010). 

In 1998, John became a Youth Director for South Florida.  His territory ranged from Stuart to Miami and John’s duties included building the NSA program while working closely with coaches, tournaments and leagues.  John served as a youth co-director of local and state tournaments in the state of Florida until 2001. 

2000-2002 saw John be promoted to State UIC for both Fast Pitch and Slow Pitch.  This new job for John saw him travel the entire state of Florida to register NSA umpires, conduct clinics and assign umpires to countless tournaments.  John traveled to Chattanooga, Tennessee as a site UIC and then back to Jupiter, Florida to be an age group UIC during a week that saw 10 inches of rain and the tournament playing 24 hrs a day.  To say that John is not only one of the most dedicated people in NSA history; he just may be one of the most versatile. 

Here’s a list of Johns accomplishments:

2002 – time of this writing (2010) State Adult Director

2003 – National State Director of the Year Award

2007 – National Most Improved Registration Award

2008 – National Most Improved Registration Award

2008 – National State Director of the Year

John has worked the Youth FP A World Series both as a UIC and Director.  He has worked the B World Series in Alabama as a Director, the Men’s Super C as a Director and the Men’s Super E World Series as a Director.

John is married to Connie and they have two children; Amy and John.

In November of 2010, John Lynch became the 17th Director to be inducted into the NSA Sports Hall of Fame.