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NSA Hall of Fame: Gerry Gund (2014)

CATEGORY: Director



  • 2012 BPA State Director of the Year
  • 2013 State Director of the Year

Gerry Gund joined the NSA family in 1998 as the Illinois State Director and started to build Illinois NSA Slow Pitch Program.  Gerry began his softball career at a young age and ran his first tournament “The Early Bird Classic” in 1980 with only 6 teams.  This tournament has continued to grow and is now called “The Annual Decker Early Bird Classic” and continues to be one of the best in the Midwest.

Gerry not only holds local tournaments for his teams but is a strong supporter of the regional and national tournaments sending countless teams to them each year.  He has also served as the World Series tournament director and committee member for the Men’s Super World Series program.  In 2000, Gerry ran his first fast pitch tournament, The KGSSL Classic as a fundraiser for the local girl’s league.  He continues to run several fast pitch tournaments in his area each year.

In 2000 Gerry added The Howling tournament to his annual tournament schedule.  This tournament is a fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis and each year at the National Convention Gerry presents a donation check from the tournament proceeds.

Gerry is definitely a team player and fully supports the NSA/BPA programs in his state and zone.  In 2004 Gerry was named the Illinois BPA State Director and runs a very program for the boy’s baseball.  In 2012 Gerry was named the Interim State Adult Director for Wisconsin.

For his hard work and dedication to the NSA and BPA programs, he has been awarded numerous Zone and National awards including:

                                1999                                      Region 6 State Director of the Year

                                1999                                      Region 6 Newcomer of the Year

                                2004                                       North Zone NSA 110% Award

                                2005                                       North Zone BPA Newcomer of the Year

                                2006, 2010                          North/Central Zone Chuck Middleton Award

                                2007, 2008, 2009, 2012  NSA World Series Team Participation Award

                                2011                                      North/Central Zone Director’s Award

                                2012                                       BPA State Director of the Year

                                2013                                       NSA State Director of the Year

                                2013                                      BPA 110% Award

On November 5, 2014, Gerry Gund was inducted into the NSA Sports Hall of Fame in the Director Category.